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Kristin Heath
Academic Success Director
Phone: 775-327-2275


Phone: 775-327-2247
Physical Location:
1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801
McMullen 104 [map]

E-mail Address for Tutors:

E-mail Address for Testing:

Spring 2023 Semester

Online Testing Hours:

M: 9 am - 8pm PST
Tu: 9 am - 8 pm PST
W: 9 am - 5 pm PST
Th: 9 am - 8 pm PST
F: 9 am - 4 pm PST

In-person Testing Hours:

M: 9 am - 7 pm PST
T: 9 am - 7 pm PST
W: 9 am - 5 pm PST
Th: 9 am - 7 pm PST
F: 9 am - 7 pm PST
Sa: 9 - 3 pm PST
(1st and 3rd Saturdays)

ACS graphic

Accuplacer Test

What is English Accuplacer?

The purpose of English Accuplacer testing is to provide students with useful information about their academic skills in English reading and writing. The results of the assessment, in conjunction with a person's academic background, goals, and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to determine course selection. The English Accuplacer is a free examination for prospective and current 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 students. No appointment is necessary. It may take approximately 1-2 hours to complete. The exams are automatically graded, and students receive their scores and English class placements immediately.

Preparing for Accuplacer

Before arriving to the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Academic Success and Testing Center on the day of the exam, make sure you have done all of the following things to prepare yourself:

  1. Make sure you have applied to Great Basin College. If you have not, apply for admission to 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 online. You do not have to be currently enrolled in classes to take the Accuplacer; you only need to have applied for admission.
  2. Locate the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Testing Center on the Elko Campus or a rural 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Center.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Testing Center Rules and Regulations.
  4. Be prepared to present a picture ID upon arrival.
  5. All materials needed to take the Accuplacer exams, including calculators, will be provided by the testing center.

More information about English Accuplacer can be found at the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Academic Success Center on the Elko Campus, your local 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Center, or at:

For More Information Contact

Kristin Heath
Academic Success Director
Phone: 775-327-2275

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

We Are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 graphic
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